The World Radiation Data Centre (WRDC) is one of recognised World Data Centres sponsored by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) on the basis of Resolution 12 XIV Session of the EC and Resolution 6, XXXVI Session of the EC.
The WRDC centrally collects and archives radiometric data from the world to ensure the availability of these data for research by the international scientific community.
The WRDC issues the publication "Solar Radiation and Radiation Balance Data (The World Network)" with the purpose of providing the users with data on solar radiation, radiation balance and sunshine duration in convenient and readily accessible form.
The WRDC is a laboratory of Voeikov Main Geophysical Observatory, Russian Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring formerly USSR State Committee for Hydrometeorology, and is located in St.Petersburg.
The WRDC began as the World Radiation Data Centre in 1964 and produced its first data publication of Solar Radiation and Radiation Balance Data (The World Network) in 1965.
From 1964 the radiation data were published once a month.
Since 1993 the publication has been issued four times a year.
Observational data received by the WRDC with certain delay are published in the supplementary issues.
The issues are distributed among the National Meteorological Services which send their solar radiation data to the WRDC.
For more detailed information, please, contact:
Voeikov Main Geophysical Observatory,
World Radiation Data Centre,
7, Karbyshev Str.,
194021, St.Petersburg,
Russian Federation
tel.: 7 (812) 297-43-90
fax.: 7 (812) 297-86-61
Please direct any comments or suggestions regarding this site and about the WRDC data to Dr. Anatoly V. Tsvetkov, Head of WRDC.
tel: 7 (812) 295-04-45
Thank you for your interest to the WRDC web-server data.
In accordance with the WMO Resolution 40(Cg-XII), these data are intended for research and educational communities of countries - WMO Members for their non-commercial activities.